Friday, October 21, 2016

Obama Murderball

Weird dream. 

Obviously I've been watching too much election stuff. I was in my elementary school gym with a bunch of people who were playing a game where someone tosses up a white Frisbee and you had to hit it with a ball.  I join them and nail it first time, but I got called out because I threw the ball while the dude was looking at me.  "Uh uh"  [points to open eyes]  WTF?  It was where I remember my Cub Scout Troop standing for formation - is this important?

Luckily, someone said "Let's play murderball."  That's what we called dodgeball on the mean streets of Fort Sask.  There were balls rolling around the stage so President Obama hops up on the stage and tosses me one.  "Thanks Obama," I said, wittily.  Nothing.  What a humourless guy.

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